Welcome to my personal website!
I dedicate this site to all of my inner memories of being on the Internet ever since I was /5/ years old! ( my first computer was a Windows 98, baby!!)
i've drank a total of liek 200+ energy drinks since i started up this project !!! i originally started in 2022 and dropped it due to my own mental stability, few years later i had the idea to come back and redo my entire code + rebuild my site from the ground up!!!

I will be sharing all of my special interests that I have hyperfixated over the years.
The things that have shaped and designed the person that I am today; video games, drawing, anime, the super amazing colorful images that burn into your skull, the hecticness of the old time web! just really anything that's been on my mind! with some ramblings I might post here and there, that I don't mind you skimming through, LOL. :'D
It's sort of like my diary I guess? where I get to self-express and just open up and feel comfortable in, along with trying to detox from using toxic social media like Facebook/Instagram/Twitter every single day. This has been a huge project for me and something that has been sparking up my muse and it gives me something to focus on and check in with every day! Along with trying to re-open to the world again while dealing with severe depression/generalized anxiety.
I want to share a bunch of things for everyone to discover something they've never seen before or maybe will get inspired by. :3 or maybe use for their own website/personal use.
I used to be into customizing websites back in 2003-2012 on an old website called Piczo where it was very easy to create your own webpage, it was a mixture of using HTML + getting to drag and drop as well. I loved designing pages based on the thing I was into, letting the entire world (or at least a few hundred people, let's be realistic LOL) know about my existance.
I decided to join Neocities because it gave me a lot of nostalgia from back then. It was great being able to add my own chat-box, host mini-games, getting to meet people just like me.
I missed plastering a bunch of shiny sparkly pixels everywhere and throwing in some high pitched loud midi music. It's been really fun getting to re-learn coding all over again even though it's been EXTREMELY chaotic and my brain no longer works as good as it used to from when I was 7-8. :'|
This has also been very therepudic with connecting with my inner child again and getting to relive out a bit of my childhood and this is my safe-space away from the modern web!
I hope you all enjoy my website as much as I do!