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NAME: Rene. (Childhood nickname; Nene)

AGE: Ancient .. 28

LOCATION: I was born in the tropical lands of Florida! Where it rains almost nearly every single day

(FUNFACT>: I actually moved from Florida when I was about 12 to Texas for a small while and then relocated to sunny California and lived there for about 10 years! :D Then I relocated back and forth between California and Arizona and then tried out Las Vegas for a year (LOVE/HATED IT) then finally decided to just move across country and head back to my birth-town.


I LOVE T-Shirts with strange/cool pictures or broken English on the front

I speak English. I am trying to learn Japanese.

I love obsessively saving images I see across the internet


Playing Video Games


Hiking / Exploring new areas




I've always struggled with describing myself accurately. I think I'm pretty lolrandomxD!!11 sometimes and then some days I'm pretty much a cat/sloth.. a clath?, slat?, cath? LMAO. I think I'm pretty easy to get along with unless you have some very awful point of views.


There's days where I feel VERY energetic and I think I get on a lot of peoples nerves secretly but they tolerate me bc they love me (..I hope, LOL) I can have so much energy it's like I feel like a 5 year old who got access into the snack cabinet and ate all the cookies >:D That's why I like dancing because it helps me get all of my energy out, or else I just usually stim by shaking my legs, flapping my hands or just moving my body around while sitting down!

Then there's days where I'm pretty non-verbal, usually people will think that the quietness means that I'm angry or upset at them when in reality it's just that I feel like my brain gets tired and doesn't want to process words normally? Or I lost function to my voice box for awhile and I need to metaphorically 'recharge'.


It's like my vocal-cords will actually disable themselves and I can only make slight noises. I am actually trying to learn ASL for proper communication because I have struggled with this ever since I was a child. My caretakers would have to argue with me and yell at me to speak and nobody really understood why I'd go from TALkTaLkTalkTalkTALKTalktalkTALK information dumping about my entire life, all of my dreams, passions, hobbies algjkdflgkjdfgkjd, to just absolute silence.... YAY FOR LATE DIAGNOSING!

I feel extremely stumped due to social situations I have avoided due to this. Though I can chat easily when it comes down to discussing subjects I am actually interested in. It feels like my brain puts itself in a lock-mode with a hard password on it when I try to discuss things that are stressful.

This is also actually why I'm much better at writing than I am talking physically in person. I can write forever, I absolutely love writing.. but talking in person? Yeah, no thanks. Writing gives me a lot more time to focus on what I want to say, I can erase things and re-word it to properly show and explain how I am feeling. I can actually do research online and discover new words that best describe the emotion I'm going through. I love reading a thesaurus!! I actually started going through the thesaurus when I was 15 years old and self conscious about the way I spoke.

I can have a short temper and I get overwhelmed very easily, I'd say those are a few of the biggest flaws I have that I really need to work on. It's something that I've struggled with since childhood. If something in my plans goes wrong, I feel like everything is out of my control and I need to fix the situation quickly, somehow.

You can convince me to believe just about anything with how gullible I can be. It's something I am working on big time. I can be pretty naive and I feel like I'm an airhead.

sometimes I would make random youtube videos, it would be either something involving a clip of a game I was playing or random music videos that I'd just get a random itch in my head over HAVING to make. I get good ideas once in a blue moon..I also have just been getting into scrapbooking and making cute picture collages! I'm gonna be a old granny with a million books that I'll be instantly ready to show everyone within a certain radius of me! :D



to learn japanese properly,
to learn how to animate
to learn how to cook